Calculator with handling request

Hi! i’m new with Django and I have tried to do calculations with handling requests but just can not figure it out and haven’t really find any help in Internet. I know that this should be pretty easy to do but I have tried to look into it for hours and got nowhere. I would really appreciate the advice if possible. The instructions are as follows:
In this assignment, you will familiarize yourself with handling requests to several paths and request parameters. Implement the following functionality in src/pages/ .

  • A request to the path add/ sums the values in the request GET parameters first and second together and returns the response to the user. Note that the parameters are integers and should also be treated as such.
  • A request to the path multiply/ multiplies the values in the request GET parameters first and second and returns the response to the user. Note that the parameters are numbers and should also be treated as such.

For example, add/?first=10&second=10 should result in 20 is as follows:
from django.http import HttpResponse

Create your views here.

def addPageView(request):

return HttpResponse('0')

def multiplyPageView(request):

return HttpResponse('0') is as follows:
from django.urls import path

from .views import addPageView

from .views import multiplyPageView

urlpatterns = [

path('add/', addPageView, name='add'),

path('multiply/', multiplyPageView, name='multiply')


Usually, when someone is new with Django, I recommend they work their way through either the Official Django Tutorial or the Django Girls Tutorial - either one will provide a lot of the fundamental foundational knowledge needed to approach something like this.

However, I get the impression from the way you posted this that this is already being assigned in some type of tutorial or class situation - in which case I would recommend you go back through material already presented.