Djagno: How to keep track of gigs solds on our website using django (python)

I am building a website like fiverr and right now i don’t really know the logic that i am going to use to keep tracks of gigs that have been sold (to clients).

I can start implementing the idea, if i can get any idea.

I have tried making like a radio button that the freelancers would have to check when a gig is completed, but i do not think that is a really nice idea or solution to my problem.

If i can get any help that would be really appreciated

It seems pretty easy

2.create profile with gig info
3.incoming notification gigs
4.confirm/cancel/chat gig
5.gig completed

1.login for freelancer
3.create gig for freelancer
4.confirm freelancer
5.rate freelancer

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thanks alot for your response, it quite amazing what you said. i didn’t know i can do that
let me try it out

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