Django Channels Websocket

I don’t need to see the issues. Post an image of the Sources tab for this file showing this range of lines near the top. Show me that this is the code being executed.

Actually I have found my main error my javascript file not updated on servers I am tried many times but js file not updated , so can you help to me how to do this ?

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Sorry, no. I don’t have any knowledge of “railway”.

I encountered a similar problem. Initially, I was modifying the JavaScript code in the file I had originally included. However, I later wrote JavaScript directly in my Django template using a <script> tag. This led to me mistakenly updating the JavaScript file that was no longer in use.

Regarding the issue with wsStart, I discovered that adding a semicolon after https resolved the problem. Here’s the corrected code:

if (loc.protocol == 'https:') {
    wsStart = 'wss://';