Django 5.1.4
Python 3.12.4
HTMX 2.0.0
Click an HTMX button and get / return / display a new value from a view function without refreshing entire page. I know it’s something stupid wrong I don’t see. I have not done this before inside of a card but code I’m using elsewhere that works is not working here.
Response value is not displaying at all. The value as you can see from the response below is getting there to the correct element but does not display at all.
I have an HTML page with bootstrap 5 cards across the top and a chart below that. Basically a dashboard.
I have an input element inside one of the cards. There is also a HTMX button (see below).
html / htmx code
<input type="text" id="my-input" value="{{ msg_cnt }}">
<button class="btn-sm btn btn-outline-primary" hx-get="{% url 'console_app:console_flash_data' %}" hx-target="#my-input" hx-swap="innerHTML">Update</button>
def console_flash_data(request): # this function gets the data from ManagerMessages (model is in turnover_app)
template = 'console_app/base_console_ap.html'
if request.htmx:
msg_cnt = ManagerMessages.objects.filter().count()
context = {} # define context
context['msg_cnt'] = msg_cnt
print("console_flash_data is Not an HTMX request :")
return render(request, template, context) # , {'form': form,'tologs': tologs,})
response return
<input type="text" id="my-input" value="4">
<button class="btn-sm btn btn-outline-primary" hx-get="/console_app/console_flash_data/" hx-target="#my-input" hx-swap="innerHTML">Update</button>