DRF: View response 300-600ms, time to optimize?

Thanks, dunno about the “target” response range.

I checked one other endpoint that is simpler and its responses are around 120ms.

This API I am talking about is used in iOS and Android mobile apps - I should have specified this in the first post. So it is send as JSON and parsed in the app.

Since the server is in Germany and I have a lot of users in the US and Asia I think improving the response rate could perhaps be more noticeable to those users.

I am not using any pooling or similar stuff. I read a bit yesterday (Improve Serialization Performance in Django Rest Framework | Haki Benita) and so far tried just the read_only_fields tip on some serializers - but I dont have data yet to know how much this helped.

As for the queries - the ones for this endpoint are based on my previous post (How to order_by ForeignKey that matches query?) so there is lot of subqueries going on.