How to read non-Django HTML form data?

I’m unstuck! I didn’t realize those name attributes were important. As soon as I added them, it worked. Thanks, @CodenameTim!

I had no idea you could use pdb with Django. That’s cool! But will it work if I’m using Apache? I start running the server as a background service via service apache2 start, so I can’t imagine how the shell that the debugger starts would find me. I think I have to use Apache in order for some file upload/download static file stuff to work, for reasons that are over my head but Ken explained them once](Do I need Apache? If so, I'm lost configuring it. - #4 by JeffreyBenjaminBrown).

Thanks for recommending Formsets, @KenWhitesell. Now that this works it’s hard for me to imagine learning about them right now but if I ever need to do something bigger I will.