hello, yesterday I give my laptop to reinstall my windows because of that every module and apps I had has been deleted so I start to download my modules and app again
for example if you see in this picture
if I write (a=1)
a won’t be blue you would think that I’m not using the correct theme but it’s not about theme I’m using dark modern like I was using it before and because my terminal errors too.
python is installed on window and vscode and git too.
I don’t know why the line of code that I write in terminal is yellow?
sorry I bothered you with my silly questions but I don’t have nobody to help
(thaks for helping)
A friendly reminder here - please do not post images of code, templates, error messages, terminal output, etc. Copy / paste the text into the body of your post, between lines of three backtick - ` characters. This means you’ll have a line of ```, then your text, then another line of ```.
If the issue really is only the color that things are being displayed, that’s a VS Code or configuration issue, and should be addressed elsewhere. If what you’re really looking to address are the underlying errors, then that might be something we can try to help you resolve.
so what should I do?
could you help
First, please clarify what it is that you’re looking for assistance with.
If it’s just the fact that some text is showing you text in colors that you aren’t expecting, I’m going to suggest you find a forum more oriented toward VS Code support.
However, if there are actual Python or Django errors involved, I’d start by asking you to post the text of those errors in your post as described above, instead of relying upon the images to convey that information.
no it isn’t about color it’s actually about the terminal you know if I don’t download some modules or I don’t know another bugs it give me colors in terminal and that means there is problem.
first let me speak about my terminal I made venv file but then I write “venv\Scripts\activate” it gives me this error
venv\Scripts\activate : File E:\Django\Advanced Django\Django-Advance-Blog\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this
system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
At line:1 char:1
+ venv\Scripts\activate
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
actually I searched about the problem but nothing was common with it.
The key information is at this link from the error message.
For an easier-to-read explanation of your options, see this post at:
sorry I waste your time but the actuall problem was the Terminal that I was using powershell instead of cmd
again I should say sorry about my silly question
That’s not the actual problem - or at least, switching to the command line interface is only one of the possible solutions.
The “Enthought Knowledge Base” post shows both switching to the command line and configuring the powershell to run your python commands.
Thank you I will watch that