Hi folks, I discovered fairly recently that the Indoor Mapping web-app used by FOSDEM and CCC is an maintained open source Django app!
You can see the code below here:
It’s pretty cool! Here’s the app giving routing directions to get from one building on the campus at FOSDEM to another. There are even ways to route it to make sure stairs are avoided, for accessibility, and so on, and there’s a Progressive Web App, that’s very slick too.
This is so cool!
Has there ever been a talk at a DjangoCon about it? Or has there ever been a DjangoCon or similar Python focussed event that has deployed an instance of it to make it easier to navigate the venue?
FOSDEM and CCC are sprawling beasts of events with loads and loads of tracks, so I can see why it would be really helpful to have maps built for them.
You might not need it for a single track conference like a Djangocon for example, but I can see the appeal if finding workshop venues is awkward.
Anyway, it’s appears to have been in active development, for a few years now, and I’m looking over the codebase because I’d like to figure out how to extend it, to link to real time views of indoor CO2 for rooms at events.
I figure this would at least give folks a bit of info to make a decision about joining the rooms, and based on how cramped rooms can be at confs, it seemed worth looking into (as an aside for the terminally curious, I’ve written another blog post about indoor CO2 at FOSDEM.
But back to the original qn. Has the c3nav app been presented, or used at DjangoCon and similar events? I’d love to know, and if there would be interest in using it in future.