ModelAdmin has inconsistent display for True / False in JSONFields

Hi there,

I noticed that the ModelAdmin displays a JSONField with a value of True or False in a inconsistent way.

Considering this minimal model:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    data = models.JSONField()

used on a ModelAdmin like this:

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ("id", "data", "direct_data")

    def direct_data(self, obj):

I populate the DB with two instances of it:


And what I see in the admin is this:

I would expect to see True and False in the “DATA” column, but its actually true and False. Digged a bit into the admin code, and found contrib.admin.utils.display_for_field which has a check for the field being a JSONField. If that field value is truthy, it uses json.dumps. But if not, it falls back to contrib.admin.utils.display_for_value, which in the end returns str(value).

This explains, why for True it renders true (json.dumps version), but for False it is False (the str(value) version).

Would this be worth fixing / offering a PR?
