Multiple Image upload like ecommerce application

I’m not talking about any foreign key relationships here, nor does that manager name appear in this expression.

You’ve got this line in your view:

Break down the expression on the right-hand side of this assignment statement.

What is the meaning and function of each component of that expression?

Project is referencing my model.
objects is there for getting the objects in the QuerySet
all returns all objects in the QuerySet und not just specific ones like when using get for example


Now, with the information available to you at Making queries | Django documentation | Django, what is “objects”? (You have described what it does, but did not identify what it is.)

It´s the manager of the model
The documentation says each model has at least one Manager and it’s called objects by default


Going back to an earlier reply, you wrote:


That’s still not a complete definition of the related object manager - you skipped one more part of the definition.

Now, put all this together, and show me what the expression would be to retrieve all the ProjectImage objects for a Project named project.

That should be the full definition specifically in my case right:?
If models have a relationship to another model like in my case ProjectImage with a ForeignKey to Project they have acess to Manager which returns all instances of my Project model. In my case this manager should be called ProjectImage_set because ProjectImage is the source model.

You skipped a part of my previous response.

Going back to an earlier reply, you wrote:


That’s still not a complete definition of the related object manager - you skipped one more part of the definition.

I don´t know if you mean that but if I want to retrieve objects from the database in my case ProjectImage I have to build a QuerySet via the manager.
And then there comes the part of my last response. That´s what I understand from the documentation

You wrote:

But, that’s not what the manager is named, because you’re not reading the full definition of how the name is constructed.

I read that the Manager by default is called FOO_set, if the source model name is FOO. Therefore because my model is called ProjectImage
projects = ProjectImage.objects.all()
should be it

That is not the complete sentence in the docs page being referenced.

Do you mean that the source model name is lowercased?

Precisely. (And for clarity, lowercased means all letters are lowercase.)
So, given all this, what would the name of the manager be to access the set of ProjectImage objects associated with a Project?

Yes I know
So it´s

projects = projectimage.objects.all()


I’m asking for the name of the manager to use to access the set of ProjectImage objects associated with a Project.

The first line is referencing the Projectmodel. The second the ProjectImagemodel

projects = project.objects.all()

Again, lets take a step back.

In the expression Project.objects.all(), what is the name of the manager being used here?

It’s named after the model. So in my case project (lowercased)

Reread the set of messages starting from Multiple Image upload like ecommerce application - #39 by KenWhitesell, and try again.

I have read it over and over again, but unfortunately I don´t get what you mean respectively my error.

projects = project.objects.all()

Could you tell me if this is this completly wrong or if I just have to take little changes?