(SOLVED) How to add a more fine grid authentication/permissions to groups in Django

Techincally, an instance of “Permission” is just a label. It has no functionality, it’s just data to be used elsewhere.

Yes, when a permission is created, it’s created as a reference to a model. But that has nothing to do with how they can be used.

For some further thoughts on this distinction and usage of permissions, see:

Not necessary (nor appropriate in a normalized relational model) to do that.

Your through model could contain either:

  • A reference to a single Permission, where you allow for multiple instances of the entry for (User, MyCompany)
  • A ManyToMany to Permission for the complete set of permissions assigned to that User relative to that Company

The first version is likely to make the permissions tests easier, while the second version will likely make the administration of the permissions for a user easier. (Off-the-cuff conjectures, no hard data to support this.)