update_or_create Behavior

since they can no longer rely on save methods that automatically update derived fields to get saved because they wont be listed in update_fields.

Aren’t such derived fields broken by design for any usage of Model.save(update_fields)?

Why can’t the save method of such models be adapted to augment update_fields with the dependant fields instead?

def save(self, **options):
    if update_fields := options.get("update_fields"):
        options["update_fields"] = (
            | self.get_derived_fields(update_fields)
    return super().save(**options)

While I’m not convinced of its necessity I understand the reason why you’d want a use_update_fields flag to disable this new behaviour under some circumstances.

As for the extra_save_kwargs part of your proposed solution it has nothing do to with the problem discussed here. Django cannot support passing application specific flags to methods this way through a public interface.