I would like to consult something with you guys. I have found myself in a situation where my code produces a lot of savepoints which, at least in my case, could theoretically be skipped. Here comes an example showcasing the problem:
def create_many_things():
# If any of following fails, I want to rollback the entire transaction.
# Having these nested transactions is not necessary in my case.
def create_something_1():
# Can be used on its own and requires to be wrapped in a transaction.
def create_something_2():
# Can be used on its own and requires to be wrapped in a transaction.
In my case this is a bit more complicated than this. It results in quite many GET/UPDATE/INSERT queries, which is fine, but it also generates a lot of SAVEPOINT/RELEASE SAVEPOINT queries, which seem to me to be unnecessary, at least in my case. If any of these create_something-functions fail, I want to rollback the entire thing, which seems to be impossible to do, based on what I see in the Atomic context-decorator.
What do you think about about introducing a way of skipping nested transactions? It is something that would need to be used with care, but could possibly give people a way of drastically improving performance in cases like these.