Adding a formatter for CSS & JS

Okay, so I’ve made a start on this, and have a working configuration.

The problem comes with adding this to pre-commit, which has recently archived the prettier mirror apparently because prettier has broken the ability to use it.

Prettier itself provides some pre-commit options but it would be the first time for us adding something like this.

Of the options available…

Option 1, lint-staged with husky seems reasonable and wouldn’t add too much extra.

Option 2 requires .NET so seems a non-starter.

Option 3 seems okay but is confusing to me.

Option 4 also looks like a non-starter because it lives in the .git directory and can’t be version controlled.

Are there any objections to going with their option 1 here? I don’t really want to have another tool for managing pre-commit hooks, especially when pre-commit is supposed to be able to do everything… but if it can’t, then… I am not sure what good alternative there is.

P.S. looking at Issue with pretier 4.0.0@alpha3 and pre-commit · Issue #15742 · prettier/prettier · GitHub it seems like the pre-commit mirror should still work, the issue that caused the archival was only temporary, so I suppose if someone forked this and updated it, it could be used. Sadly based on his past behaviour I don’t think we can rely on Anthony unarchiving the project any time soon (or ever).