ASGI, "MySQL server has gone away" and CONN_MAX_AGE

I have an ASGI Django (v3.1) application and MariaDB.
The problem is: DB drops idle connection after wait_timeout and after I open a page I get an exception:
MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
with following:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
wait_timeout is default 28800
I set CONN_MAX_AGE=600, but it didn’t help.
What can be a root cause? How to fix?

Doesn’t anyone have an idea? :upside_down_face:

Ideas? Sure. Helpful ideas? Not-so-much :wink:

A brief review of the settings docs show a number of other possible settings that might be affecting this - possibly related to whether or not Django is opening the connection as an “interactive” session vs a “batch” session.

See things like:

Depending upon how busy you’re expecting your site to be, and whether or not your database is on the same server as your applications, you could also try:

  • setting CONN_MAX_AGE=0
  • changing your connection from using a TCP socket to a unix socket
  • setting CONN_MAX_AGE to something like 240. (Some of those settings above have defaults of 300 - if you set CONN_MAX_AGE to something less than that, you might be able to determine whether or not it’s one of those settings.)

Sorry - I know this isn’t much help, but maybe it’ll give you some ideas for further research. (I haven’t used MariaDB in more than 6 years.)


Thanks for the answer.
But the problem still present. I tried to set even CONN_MAX_AGE=5 :laughing: , but it looks as if Django doesn’t use this parameter at all.
Unfortunatelly, I can’t try WSGI - my application won’t work this way I think. But may be I add some stubs… Who knows) Or maybe it’s reasonable to write a simple WSGI app, just for DB tests…
And I can’t switch to unix socket - DB is on another host.

I solved the problem! :smile:

The root cause:
At the moment (version 3.1) Django ORM is syncronous and asgiref.sync.sync_to_async adapter is used. And here is the problem place.
This works always (for a some reason):
await sync_to_async(User.objects.all)()

And this works only for the first call and until DB closes the connection:
await sync_to_async(User.objects.get)(username=username)

Right after the connection is closed by DB such call leads to exception. Perhaps, this adapter keeps the connection open forever :laughing:

The easiest solution (from my point):
Take this code from Django channells:

And just use it instead of sync_to_async:
await database_sync_to_async(User.objects.get)(username=username)

I hope this might be useful for someone who’s come across with such issue as I did.

And of course this all will be deprecated when Djago becomes fully async. Someday… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


thanks, nice solution. i’m also working with an asgi application accessing orm. i guess views clean up their own connections, but asgi doesn’t. had been trying close_old_connections in different places with limitted success, but the solution you found seems great, and worked perfectly.

Late to the party, but I ran into this issue as well and we found the following relevant piece of docs:

If a connection is created in a long-running process, outside of Django’s request-response cycle, the connection will remain open until explicitly closed, or timeout occurs.

This is obvious when looking at the Django source code:

def close_old_connections(**kwargs):
    for conn in connections.all(initialized_only=True):


The close_old_connections or close_if_unusable_or_obsolete aren’t used anywhere else in either django or django_mysql, so it’s obvious that CONN_MAX_AGE is fully reliant on the request-response cycle. So if you have microservices that run on long-running django commands, or use ASGI, this doesn’t get called.

The way this can be fixed is by creating a custom database ENGINE by creating a new python module (with an empty and creating the following file:

import time

from django.db.backends.mysql.base import DatabaseWrapper as MySQLDatabaseWrapper

class DatabaseWrapper(MySQLDatabaseWrapper):
    def close_if_health_check_failed(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.close_at is not None and time.monotonic() >= self.close_at:

        MySQLDatabaseWrapper.close_if_health_check_failed(self, *args, **kwargs)

And then refer to whatever python module path it’s saved under as DATABASES.ENGINE. This code steals the relevant part of the existing close_if_unusable_or_obsolete function and piggybacks this onto close_if_health_check_failed which gets called before a database cursor is created, or a transaction is started. Effectively, it will recycle any connections according to your CONN_MAX_AGE setting every single time the DB is accessed, instead of before and after every request. So cleaning up connections no longer depends on the request-response cycle.


Trying to run your suggested code on the most recent version of Python (3.12.4) and Django (5.0.7) seems to result in an infinite recursion error.