I found that you can use comments to have prettier ignore your tags
My observations:
only indents,djlint
is too slow (see [BUG] djlint --check/--reformat takes 21 seconds on long file. Increase speed? · Issue #104 · Riverside-Healthcare/djLint · GitHub),prettier
mangles Django tags.
I was so desperate that I wanted to write a prettier plugin, but luckily I have found a working one (with exactly zero stars) - GitHub - sezze/prettier-plugin-django-alpine: Format Django tags and Alpine.js in HTML files.
For VSCode it requires extension & local installation of prettier - you may need to use "prettier.prettierPath": "./node_modules/prettier/index.cjs"
in your settings.json
(as newbie I am not allowed to add the 3rd link to this post).
I use TailwindCSS and need sorting of class names - it would be nice if it is done by prettier
to. But the official plugin prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
is crazy and whitelists (actually embeds) compatible (presumably popular) plugins. So I made a fork and now I can have support for it all: GitHub - brablc/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss-django-alpine: A Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS that automatically sorts classes based on our recommended class order. .
Thanks! FWIW, the performance issue with djlint
was apparently fixed a couple of months ago.
I note your fork, prettier-plugin-tailwindcss-django-alpine, hasn’t had an update in about two years. Are you still using it, or would you recommend something else now?
Hi, I am using it all the time (eventhough I have switched from VSCode to Lazyvim) and I have upgraded it to Tailwind CSS on request from @eyalch just now.