Best patterns for handling logging of 4xx and 5xx status codes in test suite

My django.request logger is chatty when there are 4xx and 5xx responses, as per the default. In my test suite, when I test error cases, I find myself silencing the output with a pattern like this in order to avoid changing my LOGGING setting in

with self.assertLogs("django.request", level="WARNING"):
    response = self.client.get(...
with self.assertContains(
    response, "needle", status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST

The reason I’m not thrilled about changing LOGGING in is that it would be nice to know about unexpected failing requests, which I do find from time to time, where “know about” means they clutter my test output.

That assertLogs is a little bit of a workaround. I really don’t want to be asserting so much about the logger; I just want to silence the output when the failure is expected.

What patterns are other folks using?