Hello everyone,
I’m new here and have just taken over a Django project. But I must confess that I am an absolute newbie. I have a problem. I have an email template subject that looks like this:
IT Severity {% if case.severity == "low" %}4{% endif %}{% if case.severity == "medium" %}3{% endif %}{% if case.severity == "high" %}2{% endif %}{% if case.severity == "critical" %}1{% endif %} - {% if case.caseupdate_set.first.update_state == "solved" %}{% if case.caseupdate_set.all|length < 2 %}Directly {% endif %}{% endif %}{{ case.caseupdate_set.first.update_state|upper }} - {{ case.reference_number }} [{{ case.title }}]
In the Case.title the following characters are used from time to time:
< is converted to <
> is converted to >
' (single quote) is converted to '
" (double quote) is converted to "
& is converted to &
I was told that I could work around this with the tag “safe”. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to insert this tag. Can you help me?