i made a template and send to it by rendering from views the books and its specs from database …
they show as in the photo… so what i did id sending a key which contains the specs and print them in template using {{i.name}}
now if the user click buy how to get the book name and category and image info in the views so i can send them to another page or add a buyer name and add the book info ?? i just want to get the book specs in the views after clicking buy
i used to do when i have an input text field… i can get the info after submit buy define a variable x=request.post.get(‘text name’)
but now i dont have anything except the submit button which after clicking will show what book was clicked and what book specs was bought so how ?
what i mean to say if i have a DIV and inside it have everything from database which cant be changed by the form just by database how can i send the entire form info after clicking submit?
Please provide more specific details here. If you’re having an issue with a template, post the actual template, along with identifying exactly what part of the template you’re having issues with. If it’s a problem with a view, post the view.
Avoid posting images unless it’s truly necessary. If you need to post code or template, copy/paste the code or template into the body of your post, surrounded between lines of three backtick - ` characters. This means you’ll have a line of ```, then your code (or template), then another line of ```.
this is a link to my new post please forgive me if code wasnt put well between backticks… i hope u respond
django views issue? - Using Django - Django Forum (djangoproject.com)