Categories slug

Hello, i hope i can get some help or advice.

The question is simple. How do i put all categories slug into a url?

Let’s say we are adding categories via django admin.

  1. Man clothes
  2. Jackets
  3. Black jackets

That is just an example.

But in the shop, we need to have
They will show their subcategories if they exist, and products.

Thank you

did you find this?

urlpatterns = [
def aaa(request, a, b, c):
  slug_a = Tag.objects.get(slug=a)
  slug_b = Tag.objects.get(slug=b)
  slug_c = Tag.objects.get(slug=c)
  queryset = Model.objects.filter(slug=slug_a, slug=slug_b, slug=slug_c)

I think you’re saying that if you have a detail view for a single category (Black jackets) you want to have its URL also include the slugs for its parent categories.

I’ve done it like this in a similar situation…

In my

from django.urls import path, re_path
from .views import CategoryDetailView

urlpatterns = [
    # This must be last in the list because it will catch almost everything remaining:
        r"^shop/(?P<slugs>[\w\/-]+)/$", CategoryDetailView.as_view(), name="category_detail"

And then my

from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
from .models import Category

class CategoryDetailView(DetailView):
    model = Category
    slug_url_kwarg = "slugs"

    def get_object(self, queryset=None):
        Get the Category from the `slugs`, which could be like

        Category.slug is not unique, so we first try to find a Category
        using both its own slug ("black-jackets") and its depth (3, here).

        But that might find more than one Category, in which case we
        must also use its parents to narrow things down.
        obj = None

        slugs = self.kwargs.get(self.slug_url_kwarg, None)

        if slugs is None:
            raise AttributeError("'CategoryDetailView' must be called with slugs in the URL")
            slugs_arr = slugs.split("/")
            slug = slugs_arr[-1]  # slug of this category
            depth = len(slugs_arr)

        categories = Category.objects.filter(slug=slug, depth=depth)

        if len(categories) == 1:
            obj = categories.first()
        elif len(categories) > 1:
            # Multiple categories with this slug+depth, so find which
            # category has a parent matching the next slug up.
            for category in categories:
                parent = category.get_parent()
                if parent.slug == slugs_arr[-2]:
                    obj = category

        if obj is None:
            raise Http404("No Categories found matching the query")
            return obj

BUT, note that this assumes the Category model also has a depth parameter indicating how deep in the “tree” it is. I’m using django-treebeard for my category hierarchy (I recommend it!) and my Category model is like this:

from treebeard.mp_tree import MP_Node
from django.db import models

class Category(models.Model, MP_Node):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=False)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50, blank=False, null=False)

However, this leaves out one thing – how do you generate the URL for a Category, including all of its parent Categories’ slugs? The Category model’s get_absolute_url() method looks like this, using django-treebeard’s get_ancestors() method:

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        # Join all the parent categories' slugs, eg:
        # 'man-clothes/jackets/black-jackets'.
        parent_slugs = "/".join([c.slug for c in self.get_ancestors()])

        # If there are no parent slugs, it's a top-level category.
        path = f"{parent_slugs}/{self.slug}" if parent_slugs else self.slug

        return reverse("category_detail", kwargs={"slugs": path})

This looks like it would fail to fetch some data in the case that there are two categories sharing the parent__slug and slug. Like if we had women-clothes/jackets/black-jackets and men-clothes/jackets/black-jackets which it is possible to get in such a UrlConf. In this case there are multiple categories matching the same parent-slug.

Yes, that’s true - in my case I knew I wouldn’t have that problem. But you could extend the logic in the view to make it more robust for your site.

Thank you all for answering, i was away but i saw the responses, will try and get back :slight_smile: