Check if value exists in ArrayField in filter

Hello I want to check if a value exists in an ArrayField in the views.

Right now i’m doing this query:

context['list'] = Customers.objects.filter(Q(postalcode__icontains = postalRepresentativeObject.postalCodes) | Q(postalcode__gte =  postalRepresentativeObject.beginPostalRange) & Q(postalcode__lte = postalRepresentativeObject.endPostalRange))

postalcode contains 2580
postalRepresentativeObject.postalCodes contains {2580, 2570, 2540}
postalRepresentativeObject.beginPostalRange contains 2580
postalRepresentativeObject.endPostalRange contains 3000

I just want to check if 2580 is inside the ArrayField object?

See the contains operator.

Already found it, I’m using postalcode__in = postalrepresentative.postalCodes right now and it’s working as it should.