CheckboxSelectMultiple.attrs should accept more than "id" and "class"

In a Form I want to modify the widget of a field, like

"field": django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(
    "id": "my-id",
    "class": "foo"
    "hx-get": "/some/path/,
    "hx-target": "#target-id",
    "hx-trigger": "load",

but it just renders

<div id="my-id" class="foo">...</div>

instead of

<div id="my-id" class="foo" hx-get="...", hx-target="...", "hx-trigger="...">...</div>

The reason seams to be, that the django/forms/widets/multiple_input.html renders only id and class

{% with %}<div{% if id %} id="{{ id }}"{% endif %}{% if widget.attrs.class %} class="{{ widget.attrs.class }}"{% endif %}>{% for group, options, index in widget.optgroups %}{% if group %}

Is there any knowledge, why the attrs restricted to id and class?

Best regards

Firstly it’s important to note that the attrs are primarily for the form elements. They’re not restricted to just “id” and “class”; if you inspect your html you’ll find that all of your checkboxes will likely have your hx-* attributes.

For this particular widget it was decided that id & class are also used (note the id on the checkboxes will have a different value) on the containing div. There’s probably a very good reason to keep this as the default behaviour, which someone else will be able to answer.

If you want to change the default behaviour it’s very simple - you can copy the template to your app with the same path in your templates/ directory - then modify it to use all attributes. You can do a similar thing with checkbox & friends if you want to keep the hx-* attributes out of them.

OK … I understand, the attrs key does not change the selection but the option tags … this is unfortunate.

If you want to change the default behaviour it’s very simple - you can copy the template to your app with the same path in your templates/ directory - then modify it to use all attributes. You can do a similar thing with checkbox & friends if you want to keep the hx-* attributes out of them.

But this means, I would change the behavior of every multi-input widget.

Maybe I will try to implement a custom widget.