Collectfast version for Django 2.2.7

I want to know the version of Collectfast required for django 2.2.7.
When I do pip install Collectfast==1.3.1 it’s uninstalling django 2.2.7 and installing django 4.4.1
From where can I find out about specific version numbers required for specific versions of Django ?

Hey there!
Each package defines which versions of which package it depends on. So that generally it’s defined either on:

  • setup.cfg
  • pyproject.toml

In the latest version of the Collectfast package this metadata is on the setup.cfg. And it supports Django>=2.2 so you may have another package bumping django to a newer version. Are you using some project/dependency manager like poetry, pdm?

No - I am not using poetry or pdm. I uninstalled django 4.1.1 and re-installed 2.2.7. I couldn’t find another solution. Im doing this on Windows 10 natively - not on VirtualBox or Docker.

And when you install the latest version of the Collectfast it stills reinstall Django4?
Notice that this package also has some other dependencies that may take effect on this behavior.
Checkout the setup.cfg from the master branch.

I think the culprit is django-storages

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