I’m trying to create users using datamigrations on a new project. None of the default permissions are being created for the User model (nor any other model). If I skip setting that user with those permissions or do it after I already ran migration, it would work.
I don’t think this is a desired behavior. If data migrations are being run, it should do after dependency application data is already in.
How to reproduce:
Create an empty project
Create an app “test”
Create an initial empty migration file
./manage.py makemigration test --empty
Add the following content for “test/migrations/0001_initial.py”:
def create_user(apps, schema_editor): User = apps.get_model("auth", "User") Permission = apps.get_model("auth", "Permission") ContentType = apps.get_model("contenttypes", "contenttype") user = User.objects.create_user("new_user") alias = schema_editor.connection.alias content_type_manager = ContentType.objects.db_manager(alias) user_type = content_type_manager.get_for_model(User, for_concrete_model=False) add_user_permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=user_type, codename="add_user") user.user_permissions.add(add_user_permission) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(create_user), ]
./manage.py migrate
If you ran migrate before you created the data migration, it will work. If the application is deployed on the field, it will fail deployment.