CreateView attribute error: no object attribute on form_invalid


For some reason, my CreateView throws an error upon form_invalid (but does save correctly when the form is valid).

For instance:

class ProduitCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        form_class = self.get_form_class()
        form = self.get_form(form_class)
        fourprod_formset = FourProdFormSet(self.request.POST)
        cases_formset = CaseFormSet(self.request.POST)
        form_val = form.is_valid()
        fourprod_val = False
        case_val = cases_formset.is_valid()
        if (form_val and fourprod_val and case_val):
            return self.form_valid(form, fourprod_formset, cases_formset)
            return self.form_invalid(form, fourprod_formset, cases_formset)

    def form_invalid(self, form, formset_fourprod, formset_case):
        return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form, formset_fourprod=formset_fourprod, formset_case=formset_case))

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)     # throw error here

        if self.request.POST:
            ctx["form"] = ProduitForm(self.request.POST)
            ctx["formset_fourprod"] = FourProdFormSet(self.request.POST)
            ctx["formset_case"] = CaseFormSet(self.request.POST)
            ctx["form"] = ProduitForm()
            ctx["formset_fourprod"] = FourProdFormSet()
            ctx["formset_case"] = CaseFormSet()
        return ctx

But I’m creating the object - so no, my view doesn’t have a object already, since it hasn’t saved as it was invalid? THe call to super().get_context_data(**kwargs) fails.

EDIT: the traceback

Please post the full traceback you’re receiving.

Side note: It appears that you’re rendering multiple forms on the same page. Whenever doing so, I always recommend using a prefix with each form to ensure there’s no conflict between them.

Side note #2: The system-supplied Class-Based Generic Views are all designed around working with single objects. Trying to extend those CBVs to work well with multiple objects can be frustrating at times. I usually recommend not using them when creating more complex pages containing multiple forms/objects.

If you look at the post method of BaseCreateView, you’ll see that it sets self.object=None.

Since you’re overriding that method, you’ll need to add that line in your code.


Arrrrgh you are right, it does. And adding the line does fix the issue.

Thanks for the sidenotes. Didn’t know about the prefixes. As for the Generic vues, I was sort of hesitating as to whether or not I should use them (for that case). I guess that brings a vote in the no column.

Yes, in this case, my opinion is that they’re not a good fit. (I do find a lot of value in them in the “common case”, but once you venture outside that, not so much.)

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