I’m trying to make a CustomUser model but my issue comes in where I want an Entity to register. This entity should then be able to login with the CustomUser model and also store their info (like phone_numbers address etc) in a database. I then want the Entity to be able to add and remove users that can use the app. The Entity registers the users that can use the app with the same CustomUser model.
The reason for this is I want to use Djoser to authenticate all the users.
What specifically is the issue or problem that you’re having here? I think I understand what you’re trying to do, but I’m not sure I know what it is that you’re asking from us.
Thanks for the reply
Firstly I want to know is that possible?
I mean setting up djoser with a single user was simple enough but I’m struggling with this user (Entity) having the ability to add users to use the app
I basically need a guideline how to setup the models and views I have most of the code sorted but adding the users from the Entities side is where I’m struggling. I can send you a snippet of the code if that will help what I have so far?
First, let’s not confuse or conflate two separate-but-related topics, authentication and authorization.
Authentication concerns itself with the server knowing who is making a request. This is what djoser does.
Authorization concerns itself with the sever determining if the user making the request is allowed to make that request. This is handled by the Django permissions system.
Now, by convention and default, you should only have one User model. What that User can do would be defined by the attributes assigned to that user. (e.g., Permissions assigned directly to the User, or making a User a member of a Group to which Permissions are granted.) You would not have different User models for different authorizations. Everybody, regardless of what they can do within the system, are all identified by a single instance of your User model.
(There have been other discussions here with people trying to design their system around multiple User models, along with the explanations as to why that’s a bad idea.)
Okay perfect so last question and to clarify. Make the app where everyone who wants to use the app registers and leave the Entity part out.
If by “Entity” you’re referring to something other than a User, yes, because by function, an Entity would be a User.