Deprecation of "DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE" - Can we easen the migration?

Hey @GitRon.

So, the new STORAGES has been around since Django 4.2. The old settings were deprecated then, and have been issuing warnings for the whole time since. The advice on How to upgrade Django shows running with those warnings enabled, but they’ve been noisy by default for a full major version, and you can use the -Werror flag to make that stronger still.

The issue here isn’t so much that the deprecation period expired by that there was no error raised in Django-storages it seems.

We had similar issue in django-compressor (that I have a related thread on) but in that case it simply broke on 5.1 prior to our changes. We had a tracking ticket for the entire time between the 4.2 alpha and the 5.1 alpha, when we finally addressed it.

The bottom-line (it seems to me) is that we have to remove the warnings at some point. The two major versions policy seems to give plenty of warning… The release notes for each version again list the items that reached the end of the deprecation cycle.

When updating, I will add an assert to my projects along the lines of assert not DJ51, "Must update to new STORAGES setting before upgrade". I find that quite manageable.

I’m wondering what else Django itself might reasonably do here? :thinking: