Django Storages problem

I am trying to use S3 for static files and I am getting this error. Could not find backend 'storages.backends.s3.S3Storage': No module named 'storages.backends'

My has storages set this way.

     "staticfiles": {"BACKEND": "storages.backends.s3.S3Storage"},

I have ‘storages’ in my list of apps, and am running the following versions:
Python 3.12.3
Django 5.1

any ideas?

That type of error can be caused by a missing dependency.

In addition to the boto3 package, are botocore, jmespath, s3transfer, and urllib3 also installed? (You don’t show them here, so I need to ask.)

Did you find a solution to this problem? I am currently experiencing the same issue and I have not been able to find help online.