I recently implemented my multi-tenancy app in Django (both django-tenants and django-tenants-schema apps are shared-db with multiple schemas, but I wanted to go for a shared-db with shared-schema since it seems to scale better).
So I created a custom middleware that infers the tenant from the domain and stores it in a thread_locals variable. I use Gunicorn with Uvicorn, since I have an ASGI app.
Generally speaking it seems to work fine, though there seems to be an issue on form validation.
If I open two different browser (one per tenant), I actually see different data (as expected)… then I open an edit form in each browser (to edit one record for the first tenant and another one for the second tenant), I submit the first form (to save the changes) and do the same for the second form. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t, complaining that the form is not valid (either the first one or the second one). Furthermore, what is even more strange, is that, even in case of validation error, keeping the modal open and trying to press the submit button several times, at some point the response is processed correctly (without changing anything on the form).
Looking at the logs it seems that the tenant is properly set on both forms, so I’m going crazy trying to understand what’s going on…
Do you have any suggestions?
Any hint would be appreciated.
P.S. More details in the first comment.