I am attempting to use the Conditional Statements When and Case to optimize my query to count the number of instances of of people with an age less than x.
The variable b is used to reference the number of instances that I am looking to capture for that particular age via b’s length.
age_bins = [(i) for i in range(15, 85, YEARS_PER_AGG)]
conditionals = [When(age__lte=bin, then=Value(f"{bin}")) for bin in age_bins]
case = Case(*conditionals, output_field=CharField())
age_groupings = person_salaries.values("education").annotate(age_less_than=case, count=Count("id"))
b = PersonSalary.objects.filter(Q(education='1. < HS Grad') & Q(age__lte=25))
The length of b here is 33. This is the sum of where age_less_than is 20 and where age_less_than 25 below.
<QuerySet [{‘education’: ‘1. < HS Grad’, ‘age_less_than’: ‘20’, ‘count’: 10}, {‘education’: ‘1. < HS Grad’, ‘age_less_than’: ‘25’, ‘count’: 23}
What I am looking to create would be an output like this:
<QuerySet [{‘education’: ‘1. < HS Grad’, ‘age_less_than’: ‘20’, ‘count’: 10}, {‘education’: ‘1. < HS Grad’, ‘age_less_than’: ‘25’, ‘count’: 33}
To the best of my understanding the reason this is occurring is that each independent When statement is evaluated as as an elif rather than if.