I have a FileField which acutally stores an image.
However, when the image is added or changed, I need to resize the image.
Storage backend is s3botostorage.
Here’s the mixin I wrote to resize the image which works well with local FileSystemStorage.
class ImageResizeMixin:
def resize_image(self, imageField: Union[models.FileField, models.ImageField], size: tuple=(1200, 1200)):
side = int(size[0])
im = Image.open(imageField)
# images of RGBA mode which has alpha channel
# should be converted to RGB to remove alpha channel
im = im.convert('RGB')
width, height = im.size
if width == height and width != side:
resized_im = im.resize(size)
# side which is smaller than desired size is streched to the size
# and the other side will be cut off
scale = side / min(width, height)
if width < height:
new_size = (side, int(height * scale))
top = (new_size[1] - side) / 2
crop_box = (0, top, side, new_size[1] - top)
new_size = (int(width * scale), side)
left = (new_size[0] - side) / 2
crop_box = (left, 0, new_size[0] - left, side)
resized_im = im.resize(new_size).crop(crop_box)
output = BytesIO()
resized_im.save(output, format='JPEG')
content_file = ContentFile(output.read())
file = File(content_file)
base = os.path.basename(imageField.name)
filename = base.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.jpg'
imageField.save(filename, file, save=False)
And this is my model’s save() method
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
this_object = MyModel.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if self.background and this_object.background != self.background:
self.resize_image(self.background, (1200, 1200))
Here’s my problem.
I upload png file on django admin.
After saving the model, I see both png file and jpg file of same image on s3 bucket.
I don’t need png file as I convert all images to jpeg.
And it actually writes to s3 twice - one png and one jpg.
I want to resize before it is acutally written to storage so it only writes once to storage.
How can I solve this?
Any help would be appreicated.
@KenWhitesell , maybe this would be an easy fix for you. Any advice?