Hi, new to Django here.
We are building project which needs to connect to Google Cloud BigQuery database (BigQuery is used as data warehouse and connection is strictly read only for custom analytics solution).
It seems that there are no existing Django/BigQuery drivers available. Is it true?
Are there any tutorials for creating custom driver (since it needs to support only SELECT queries, it shouldn’t be too difficult)
Currently we are using Django + SQLAlchemy with BigQuery Driver as follows:
# Create the SQLAlchemy engine
engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL, credentials_path=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
# and query
with Session as session:
value = session.query(a query
However if multiple queries are involved, overall response is very slow.
We are wondering, if Django is re-opening connection (which is slowest part) for every query or keeping it open for the session. How to test it?
4) What other recommendations are there? Thanks a lot!