Hello, I am a software engineer and I have worked on some projects in django. My question is if in 2024 it is worth trying to be an expert in django since I see a decrease in popularity in many surveys due to not being good at microservices architectures. If I am wrong, what would be the best use cases for django, what would be the most efficient way to achieve mastery. thank you
Sorry to be so naive. What’s that?
Welcome @yoanbello !
Per Highlights from the Django Developer Survey 2024 | InfoWorld, it’s still the preferred framework for 74% of Python developers. That’s still a fairly substantial number.
I’ve been reading “stuff” like this for about 10 years now, along with the “Java is dead”, “COBOL is dead” and “Fortran is dead”. I didn’t pay any attention to it then, and I don’t pay any attention to it now.
By definition, “New” is news - but there are still a lot of us out still being very productive with it, and a lot of companies happy to be using something mature and stable.
Note: I’ll avoid climbing too far on to my soapbox here, but I will say that the supposed benefits of a microservices architecture are way oversold. Yes, there are some environments in which it is beneficial, but I believe them to be far fewer than a lot of people realize, and most people considering them don’t fall into that category. They’re definitely not a panacea or even a “good” answer in many circumstances.
“Mastery”? Years of work. Django is “big” as far as Python web frameworks are concerned. There are a lot of interrelationships between components and understanding how the pieces fit together is a big part of learning how to use Django effectively. (That, and understanding just how important the third-party libraries are as well. As comprehensive as Django is, it’s still not complete in that there are a lot of tools, utilities, and functionality existing external to core Django itself.)
To get started - see how to learn django - #2 by KenWhitesell and the posts that it links to.
Thanks for youe help.