is there any way that I throttle a request base on specific status code?
as you see in code, i throttle all request no matter what is the status code.
but i want to the throttle incoming request if all the latest request ends with 404 status code not any other status code
class CheckUserPhone(APIView):
throttle_scope = "check_phone"
throttle_classes = (ScopedRateThrottle,)
serializer_class = CheckUserPhoneSerializer
def post(self, request):
serializer = self.serializer_class(data=request.data)
phone = get_phone_from_serializer(serializer)
user = User.objects.filter(phone=phone)
if user.exist():
return Response({"message": LoginSituation.LOGIN_REQUIRED}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
sms_provider_result, code = generate_otp_and_send(phone)
if sms_provider_result:
save_otp_inside_cache(phone, code)
return Response(
{"message": LoginSituation.REGISTER_REQUIRED}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
return Response({"message": FaultCode.SMS_PROVIDER_FAILURE}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
You can create a custom throttle class. I adapted a sample code from my old projects to your code as follows. You can review it.
Custom Throttle Class
from rest_framework.throttling import BaseThrottle
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils import timezone
from datetime import timedelta
class StatusCodeThrottle(BaseThrottle):
cache_key_prefix = 'status_code_throttle_'
rate = 5
duration = 60
def get_cache_key(self, request):
return f"{self.cache_key_prefix}{request.user.id}"
def allow_request(self, request, view):
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(request)
request_data = cache.get(cache_key, [])
now = timezone.now()
request_data = [entry for entry in request_data if entry > now - timedelta(seconds=self.duration)]
cache.set(cache_key, request_data, timeout=self.duration)
if len(request_data) >= self.rate:
return False
return True
def record_status_code(self, request, status_code):
if status_code == 404:
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(request)
request_data = cache.get(cache_key, [])
cache.set(cache_key, request_data, timeout=self.duration)
Using the Throttle in CheckUserPhoneView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from .throttles import StatusCodeThrottle
class CheckUserPhone(APIView):
throttle_classes = (StatusCodeThrottle,)
serializer_class = CheckUserPhoneSerializer
def post(self, request):
throttle = StatusCodeThrottle()
if not throttle.allow_request(request, self):
return Response({"detail": "Request limit reached"}, status=status.HTTP_429_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS)
serializer = self.serializer_class(data=request.data)
phone = get_phone_from_serializer(serializer)
user = User.objects.filter(phone=phone)
if user.exists():
response = Response({"message": LoginSituation.LOGIN_REQUIRED}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
sms_provider_result, code = generate_otp_and_send(phone)
if sms_provider_result:
save_otp_inside_cache(phone, code)
response = Response({"message": LoginSituation.REGISTER_REQUIRED}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
response = Response({"message": FaultCode.SMS_PROVIDER_FAILURE}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
throttle.record_status_code(request, response.status_code)
return response
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thank you, i wrote some code like that but not as good as your code
You are welcome, if you have a problem, feel free to tag me and I will be happy to help.
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