DSF board meeting notes

:wave: I thought I’d start a forum thread to try and share meeting notes from the Django Software Foundation’s board meetings, for people who are interested in reading them as they become available.

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How board meetings work

For broader info on the board – see What does the DSF Board Actually Do? from @wsvincent in 2022.

The board currently meets monthly on the second Thursday of every month, at 20:00 UTC. All board members should attend meetings, and the DSF Assistant to the Treasurer is also present.

All meetings follow the same set agenda points, with some time spent on “business as usual” topics and some on new business. We also assign action items based on discussions.

At the end of the meeting, the DSF Secretary (so right now, me :grin:) is responsible for publishing the meeting notes to the Django project website.

For past meeting minutes, see:

How to get involved

If you read those meeting notes, I’d love to hear feedback on how useful you find them! Or get questions / comments if any point from the notes isn’t clear enough, or if you want to ask questions or suggest changes on the process.

It’s important the board operates transparently, and that board members are accountable since they are elected by DSF Individual Members. Those meeting minutes are an important way to achieve this. I can’t promise to have all the answers when people have questions but happy to give it a go.


December 14, 2023

See the notes at: DSF Board monthly meeting, December 14, 2023.

First board meeting ever for @sabderemane and myself! Thank you @glasnt, the previous Secretary, for the help in getting me set up to publish those notes :slight_smile: There were a few hurdles and permissions needed to have me set up to take over the publishing, hence the delay.


I messed up and missed our 11 new approved DSF individual members from the meeting notes (: Thank you @felixxm for raising this in private :heart:

Welcome to the club Christoph Bülter (@cb109), Massoud Hamad (@massoudhamad), Julius Nana Acheampong Boakye, Ariane Djeupang, Hope Adoli, Jacqueline Mushi, Lidya K Tilahun, Mathilda G. Grisenti, Sheena O’Connell, Julius Moshiro, Noah Maina!


January 11, 2024

See the notes at: DSF Board monthly meeting, January 11, 2024.

Happy new year! Congratulations to our 9 new DSF individual members, Kafui Alordo, @VeldaKiara, Lisa Quatmann, Katherine Amao, @wilhelmklopp, Vinit Kumar, Andrew Aikman, Leona So, Joseph Zammit :metal:.

And congratulations to our new DSF social media working group and @sarahboyce in particular for getting their proposal approved unanimously!


Guess who forgot to share this month’s meeting minutes! :slight_smile:

February 8, 2024

See the notes at: DSF Board monthly meeting, February 8, 2024

Congratulations to our 5 new individual members, Daniel Moran, Bojan Mihelač, Selcuk Ayguney, Mohamed ElKalioby, @robhudson!

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We have 37 new individual members this month! We had to process this outside of the meeting, hence the delay in sharing the minutes

March 14, 2024

See the notes at: DSF Board monthly meeting, March 14, 2024

Congratulations all!

  • Steve Yonkeu
  • Che Neba Manka’a
  • Leo Youmbi
  • Ndongmo Christian
  • Edmond Makolle
  • Manka Velda Manjong
  • Lukong Leinyuy Etiane
  • Dejon Fah Joël Xavier
  • Ngala Olga Ncheh
  • Hawawou Oumarou
  • Marijke Luttekes @Mah-Rye-Kuh
  • Josh Schneier
  • Eliana Rosselli @erosselli
  • Damilola Oladele
  • Lajoie Batadiwa
  • Uffa Modey @UffaModey
  • Helen Bire
  • Jacqueline Mushi
  • CatherineRose Barretto
  • Emmanuel Evance
  • Lupyana Mbembati
  • Gloria Kemirembe
  • Nancy Hiza
  • Neema Mfuru
  • Thecla James
  • Khairiya Mudrik
  • Doreen Wanyama
  • John Marit
  • Adum Abraham
  • Idai Sosima
  • Raila Akur
  • Jake Howard
  • Saptak Sengupta
  • Marcelo Elizeche Landó
  • Lilian
  • Abigail Afi Gbadago
  • Tushar Gupta @tushar5526

Thank you very much.
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