Feedback Needed: Updating Documentation Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for raising this @Maryam and for your recent work improving our docs :star:

Personally I would be comfortable removing the Non-trivial patches section, as I don’t believe it adds value in it’s current form.

If we don’t remove it, I would rebrand it away from the word trivial. Perhaps titled “Contributions which require wider discussion” and updating the content to something like:

A patch that introduces Django functionality and makes some sort of design decision requires a wider community discussion. Especially if the approach involves a deprecation or potentially introducing breaking changes.

Please include evidence that the approach and alternatives have been discussed on the Django Forum or django-developers list.

If might also be worth drawing attention to the Django DEP process and explaining when that should be used. @theorangeone as a recent DEP author and @jacobian as the author of a recent-ish forum topic on DEPs might have thoughts on this :+1: