Flask Vs Django

I wrote an Article on Flask Vs Django. i want review on it.
here is link Flask Vs Django - Django Tutorial

Edit: Reading it again, my response is very direct and could come of as confrontational. I can see you out a lot of effort in it. But I believe it could be improved a lot.

I disagree with your assessment that Django is for large-scale applications. Django is suitable for a wide range of applications ranging from very small to large.

Your classification of FLEXIBILITY should come with some examples. In general I disagree with one being more flexible than the other. That’s like comparing apples to oranges. Django is quite flexible, but as it’s a complex product, it’s more difficult to reach the same flexibility as in Flask. On the other hand, if you want to have all the features Django brings, good luck with the attributed flexibility. I don’t think it makes sense comparing these two, if not for specific cases.

The same applies to the learning curve. Of course a more complex framework is harder to learn. Then again, if you want to write a Multi-User blogging platform, then I’d argue than doing this with flask has a MUCH higher learning curve, because now you need to learn about security practices that in Django other people already implemented for you in a built-in module.

Not adding “active” to the Django community, but to flask makes the impression, that djangos community is less active. I understand that you want to emphasize that the flask community I smaller BUT active, but I would write the comparison differently.

Then, you can prototype even Rapid very fast with django-ninja and if you have APIs with authentication, you may just be faster with Django, because authentication is already implemented. So that comparison seems lacking as well.

In general, I recommend you take two uses-cases that are exclusively better or faster to implement on the frameworks and compare simplicity and time-effort betweens Flask and Django, so the reader can somewhat follow your argumentation. As it is now, the comparison is just not believable, because nowhere you provide any proof for your claims.

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