and Bootstrap

I’m trying to find what is causing the bootstrap class ‘form-control’ not to work. Bootstrap is working in the template on other parts of the page. See below.

NOT Working

Using the same file and commenting out one of two different form variables; one works and one does not.

  1. form = BostonPizzaOrderForm
  2. form = GroupOrderNumberForm < NOT Working>
def GroupOrders(request):
  group_Orders = GroupOrderNumber.objects.all()
  # orderNumber = BostonPizzaOrder.order_Number
  # orderNumberQuery = GroupOrderQuery.order_NumberQuery
  form = GroupOrderNumberForm
  # form = BostonPizzaForm
  return render(request, 'meals/GroupOrders.html',
  'group_Orders': group_Orders,
  # 'orderNumber': orderNumber,
  # 'orderNumberQuery': orderNumberQuery,
  'form': form,


Working form Class

class BostonPizzaForm(ModelForm):
  class Meta: 
    model = BostonPizzaOrder
    # fields = "__all__"
    fields = (
    # 'user_name'
    # Not sure if I need labels if I'm styling my own .css
    labels = {
    # 'order_Number': 'Label',
    # 'bpPasta':'Choose your Pasta', 
    # 'bpSalad':'Choose your Salad', 
    # 'bpSaladDressing':'Choose your Salad Dressing', 
    # 'bpDrink':'Choose a Drink', 
    # Widget Dictionary for styling.
    widgets = {
    #'user_name': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'text-input'}),
    'order_Number': forms.Select(
        'class' : 'form-control',
        # 'class':'form-check-input',
        # 'class':'check',

NOT Working form Class

class GroupOrderNumberForm(ModelForm):
  class Meta: 
    model = GroupOrderQuery
    # fields = "__all__"
    fields = ('order_NumberQuery',

  widgets = {
    #'user_name': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'text-input'}),
    'order_NumberQuery': forms.Select(
      attrs = {
        'class' : 'form-control',

Hi mfones, a couple questions:

  • What does the template look like?
  • Using the inspection tool within the web browser development tools, what does the html look like?
  • Does bootstrap’s css require the form-control elements to exist within a form or something for it to render properly?

Hi Tim,

Weird, I copied the good widget over the suspected one and it works. I don’t know where the problem is though.

The template is not the issue, I think. :thinking: but here it is…

{% extends 'mealapp/base.html' %}
{% load static %}
{% block content %}

<div class="shadow p-4 mb-5 bg-body rounded">

  <h1>Group Orders ({{ OrderCount }})</h1>
  <!-- <strong>group_Orders</strong><br>{{ group_Orders }}<br><br> -->
  <!-- <strong>form.GroupOrderNumber</strong><br>{{ form.GroupOrderNumber }}<br><br> -->
  <!-- <strong>orderNumberQuery</strong><br>{{ orderNumberQuery }}<br><br> -->
  <strong>form.order_Number (BostonPizzaOrder)</strong><br>{{ form.order_Number }}<br><br>

  <strong>form.order_NumberQuery (GroupOrderNumberForm)</strong><br>{{ form.order_NumberQuery }}<br><br>
  <table class="table table-hover">
      <tr class="table-dark">
        <th scope="col">Order Number</th>
        <th scope="col">Order Date</th>
        <th scope="col">Pick Up</th>
        <th scope="col">Restaurant</th>
        <th scope="col">Location</th>
        {% for order in group_Orders %}
        <td>{{ order.GroupOrderNumber }}</td>
        <td>{{ order.OrderDate }}</td>
        <td>{{ order.PickUp }}</td>
        <td>{{ order.Restaurant }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
  {% endblock %}

Here’s the inspection tool display for that section of code, now working.

[quote=“CodenameTim, post:2, topic:10483”]
Does bootstrap’s css require the form-control elements to exist within a form or something for it to render properly?

I assumed that the Widget would take care of that. And now that its working I think it does.

widgets = {
    #'user_name': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'text-input'}),
    'order_NumberQuery': forms.Select(
        'class' : 'form-control',

I’ll make some changes and see if I can get it to fail again. I must have missed a character or something that the dev server didn’t catch.