Having issues trying to deploy my Django application to Heroku and suggestions as to where I should deploy instead?

Let me know if you’re interested in jamming on it this week - We can figure it out and get it live!

@JRO_Cambria I would love to do that. My repo is public on Github. How do you want to do this? Link to the repo: https://github.com/interglobalmedia/django-boards. I have to re-address how I have set up my static directory. And I know what the issue is. You would see it too. I was successful with creating a superuser and then uploading an avatar to S3, but because I have not a static and ataticfiles directory, It is now causing a 500 status on Heroku and heroic local as well. The last thing after that is setting up the email. I haven’t even gotten to that yet. Looking forward!

I’m available Tuesday 2024-12-17, Thursday 2024-12-19, Friday 2024-12-20:

Time blocks: 10:30-12:30; 13:30-16:30 Colombia time / USA Eastern time.

We can use Pop.com to pair-collaborate. It has video chat, screen sharing, and simple whiteboarding.

We can share the meeting link in this forum thread, so that other Django folks can drop in to help, watch & learn.

Let me know what day / time is best for you!

// JRO

@JRO_Cambria Friday would be best for me. The 13:30-16:30 time slot, is that USA Eastern time? If so, that works for me. Please let me know if that is correct. Thanks so much! Im really stuck on getting beyond this 500 status after first login, then logging out, and when I try to login again, I get the 500 status. I am just not getting this part. I am sure there is much I have wrong in terms of configuration! I will keep on investigating until Friday!

Great - let’s do some Django Jamming,

:spiral_calendar: TUESDAY 2024-12-17 / 13:30-16:30 (USA East time).

:busts_in_silhouette: Video / Pairing link: Pop

Who else would be interested & available to join and help out? Django / Heroku / CI/CD/Devops experience would be welcome!

// JRO

@JRO_Cambria I forgot I had something Friday afternoon. So can’t do then. I canc do tomorrow at the same time. 13:30-16:30. Sorry for any inconvenience! Thanks!

Tomorrow works great! (Updating the note above). Looking forward to it!

@JRO_Cambria Excellent! So still the same link, right?

Yep, that’s the link!

For those interested in code jamming with us to get @interglobalmedia 's app up and running - we’ll be coding 13:30 - 16:30 (USA eastern) today.

Useful skills: Django login / authentication, Heroku, CI/CD, test-driven development, debugging logs

Link: Pop

See you soon! // JRO

@JRO_Cambria I can’t seem to be able to get in.

Same here - I’ll setup another link shortly, trying Zoom.

@JRO_Cambria Do you want to schedule for another time? And another app?

Let’s try this link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83357106583?pwd=hFlWlZEzJXw9bqXaMTLTCQ5KawZFfS.1

Updated link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81721869826?pwd=NCoGijGLdBQpGb5jYcIcwTmHVX9hHs.1

@JRO_Cambria I’m here.

@JRO_Cambria And this is what I got in browser headers when I tried to login locally with Django’s server:

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Source: Network

POST /accounts/login/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
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User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/18.2 Safari/605.1.15

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Length: 145
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 19:33:45 GMT
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Query String Parameters
next: /boards/1/new/

Request Data
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next: /boards/1/new/

Could you setup a meeting? I’m having issues creating one / joining that last link…

@JRO_Cambria I can try.

@JRO_Cambria Here is the invite link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/84842819809?pwd=yTFpowROd9bVFlXMHPFcyDbPHRZdFa.1Django meeting