HELP! Choices field not rendering in HTML page

I have a model with 3 Charfields with choices, I am struggling to render the choices in my html page. On the html page, I had a card color coded between 3 colors. Instead of rendering based on selected choice in the backend, it renders the same results across different vin searches.

Here is the model in

class VehicleStatus(models.Model):
    Represents the status of a vehicle, including accident history, odometer fraud, and theft involvement.
        ("NHA","No History of Accidents"),
        ("OIIA", "Once Involved In Accident"),
        ("CAD", "Currently Accident Damaged"),

        ("NOF", "No Odometer Fraud"),
        ("SOF",  "Suspected Odometer Fraud"),

        ("NHT", "No History of Theft"),
        ("OIT",  "Once Involved In Theft"),
        ("STI", "Suspected Theft Involvement"),

    vin_number = models.OneToOneField(Vin, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='vehiclestatus', db_index=True, help_text="Vehicle Identification Number")
    accident_history = models.CharField(max_length=30, choices=ACCIDENT_HISTORY, default='NHA', help_text="History of accidents involving the vehicle")
    odometer_fraud = models.CharField(max_length=30, choices=ODOMETER_FRAUD, default='NOF', help_text="Indicates if the vehicle has suspected odometer fraud")
    theft_involvement = models.CharField(max_length=30, choices=THEFT_INVOLVEMENT, default='NHT', help_text="Indicates if the vehicle has been involved in theft")
    owner_history = models.IntegerField(help_text="Number of previous owners of the vehicle", default=0)
    def __str__(self):
        return f"Vehicle Status for VIN {self.vin_number}"

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Vehicle Status"
        verbose_name_plural = "Vehicle Statuses"

Here is the view that handles the rendering everything to the search.html

def search(request):
    # Retrieve the VIN number from the GET request
    vin = request.GET.get('vin_number')
    vehicle = None
    specs = None
    inspections = []
    history_records = []
    vehicle_status = []
    message = None

    if vin:
            # Query the Vin model
            vehicle = get_object_or_404(Vin, vin_number=vin)

            # Retrieve related model data
            specs = getattr(vehicle, 'specs', None)
            inspections = vehicle.inspections.all()
            history_records = vehicle.history.all()
            vehicle_status = vehicle.history.all()

        except Vin.DoesNotExist:
            # If no vehicle is found, set a message
            message = "No vehicle found with the provided VIN number."
        except Exception as e:
            # Handle other potential errors
            message = f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"
        # If the form is not filled, set a message
        message = "Please enter a VIN number to search."

    # Render the template with the data and message
    return render(request, 'autohistory/search.html', {
        'vehicle': vehicle,
        'specs': specs,
        'inspections': inspections,
        'history_records': history_records,
        'vehicle_status': vehicle_status,
        'message': message,

Here is the html code for one the choices field

 <!-- Accident History Card -->
                                      <div class="col-md-4 mb-3">
                                          <div class="card 
                                              {% if vehicle_status.accident_history == 'NHA' %}bg-success text-white
                                              {% elif vehicle_status.accident_history == 'OIIA' %}bg-warning text-dark
                                              {% else%}bg-danger text-white{% endif %}">
                                              <div class="card-header">
                                                  <h5 class="card-title mb-0">
                                                      <i class="fas fa-car-crash me-2"></i>
                                                      Accident History
                                              <div class="card-body">
                                                  <p class="card-text">
                                                      <strong>Status:</strong> {{ vehicle_status.get_accident_history_display }}
                                                  <p class="card-text small">
                                                      {% if vehicle_status.accident_history == 'NHA' %}
                                                          This vehicle has no history of accidents.
                                                      {% elif vehicle_status.accident_history == 'OIIA' %}
                                                          This vehicle was involved in an accident once.
                                                      {% else %}
                                                          This vehicle is currently damaged due to an accident.
                                                      {% endif %}

There are a couple things.

  • Your view references a Vin model, but you haven’t posted that here. That prevents us from understanding the relationship between Vin and VehicleStatus

  • You’re populating two variables for your context with the same data - this doesn’t seem like it would be what you’re intending:

Does vehicle_status come from Vin.history?

If so, then vehicle_status is a queryset and not an individual object, which means that your reference to vehicle_status.accident_history would not be correct. You would need to iterate over vehicle_status for each instance to get the accident_history for that instance.

Here is the Vin model below. The Vehicle Status model has a one to one relationship with the Vin model. Using the view, it allows us to create a search from so we query the database using the Vin number which is connected to the vehicle status and other models.

The vin model:

# Vin model
class Vin(models.Model):
    vin_number = models.CharField(max_length=20, default=None, unique= True)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.vin_number

In your view, vehicle is an instance of Vin.

What is the history attribute that you are referring to in this code?

Its from a history model I think. Any suggestions on how I can better retrieve the model data in the views?

class History(models.Model):
    vin_number = models.ForeignKey('Vin', on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='history', verbose_name='VIN Number')
    date_of_service = models.DateField(verbose_name='Service Date', default="", blank=True)
    vehicle_service = models.BooleanField(verbose_name='Is it planned service', default='Any',)
    next_vehicle_service = models.DateField(verbose_name='Next Service Due', default="", blank=True) 
    mileage_at_service = models.IntegerField(validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], verbose_name='Mileage at Service')
    worked_performed = models.CharField(max_length=200, verbose_name='Work Performed')
    performed_by = models.CharField(max_length=50, verbose_name='Service Provider')
    cost = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2, 
        validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], verbose_name='Service Cost')
    notes = models.TextField( max_length=2000, blank=True, verbose_name='Additional Notes')

    def __str__(self):  # Changed from __int__ to __str__
        return f"{self.vin_number} - {self.date_of_service}"

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-date_of_service']  # New: Most recent services first
        verbose_name = 'Service History'
        verbose_name_plural = 'Service Histories'

But I’m not seeing where there’s any relationship between this history and the vehicle status.

As I pointed out in my first reply, this doesn’t seem like the right reference.

I think the issue is here but I have no clue how to fix it. I am still a beginner trying to understand how Django retrieve the data. I tried to us use

vehicle_status = vehicle.vehicle_status.all() 

to retrieve the data but does not work

The reference through a OneToOne relationship is not a queryset, it’s a direct reference to the related object.

Review the docs at One-to-one relationships | Django documentation | Django

Given an instance of Vin named vehicle, and the definition in VehicleStatus:

vin_number = models.OneToOneField(Vin, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='vehiclestatus', db_index=True, help_text="Vehicle Identification Number")

then vehicle.vehiclestatus is the reference to the related VehicleStatus.

I finally got it to work and yes @KenWhitesell it was on how I retrieved the data VehicleStatus model. I added the vehicle_status and set it to None. In the if statement, I used the vehicle_status = getattr(vehicle, 'vehiclestatus', None) to retrieve the data. I also organised the code the same as in the if statement/ where its retrieved above on the return render

'vehicle': vehicle,
       'specs': specs,
       'vehicle_status': vehicle_status,
       'inspections': inspections,
       'history_records': history_records,
       'error_message': error_message,

Here is the full search view

def search(request):
    vin = request.GET.get('vin_number')
    vehicle = None
    specs = None
    inspections = []
    history_records = []
    vehicle_status = None
    error_message = None

    if vin:
            vehicle = Vin.objects.get(vin_number=vin)

            # Retrieve related model data safely
            specs = getattr(vehicle, 'specs', None)
            vehicle_status = getattr(vehicle, 'vehiclestatus', None)
            inspections = vehicle.inspections.all()
            history_records = vehicle.history.all()
        except Vin.DoesNotExist:
            error_message = f"No vehicle found with VIN: {vin}"
    return render(request, 'autohistory/search.html', {
        'vehicle': vehicle,
        'specs': specs,
        'vehicle_status': vehicle_status,
        'inspections': inspections,
        'history_records': history_records,
        'error_message': error_message,