I’m using git trying to deploy to a staging pipeline on Heroku.
My build is failing. Based on the traceback (two of them, below), I have a general sense as to why. It involves my dynamic SECRET_KEY configuration variable in settings.py. The traceback refers to a python-decouple module installed previously. So I commented out the import line to that package in settings.py, removed the package from my requirements.txt, and used this instead:
from dotenv import load_dotenv
SECRET_KEY = str(os.getenv('SECRET_KEY'))
That’s the latest version. When I save my changes, commit them, and then push to the staging pipeline, the traceback being returned refers to line 27 as if is still like this:
from decouple import config
I’m not sure why Heroku is not picking up the latest and most recent changes. Any ideas?
Here is my full build traceback:
$ git push staging main
Enumerating objects: 4016, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4016/4016), done.
Delta compression using up to 20 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3932/3932), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3965/3965), 6.41 MiB | 3.71 MiB/s, done.
Total 3965 (delta 302), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (302/302), completed with 15 local objects.
remote: Updated 7290 paths from c9c269d
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Building on the Heroku-22 stack
remote: -----> Using buildpack: heroku/python
remote: -----> Python app detected
remote: -----> Using Python version specified in runtime.txt
remote: -----> Python version has changed from python-3.11.2 to python-3.10.10, clearing cache
remote: -----> Requirements file has been changed, clearing cached dependencies
remote: -----> Installing python-3.10.10
remote: -----> Installing pip 23.0.1, setuptools 63.4.3 and wheel 0.38.4
remote: -----> Installing SQLite3
remote: -----> Installing requirements with pip
remote: Collecting asgiref==3.6.0
remote: Downloading asgiref-3.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (23 kB)
remote: Collecting certifi==2022.12.7
remote: Downloading certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl (155 kB)
remote: Collecting charset-normalizer==3.1.0
remote: Downloading charset_normalizer-3.1.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (199 kB)
remote: Collecting dj-database-url==1.3.0
remote: Downloading dj_database_url-1.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (7.4 kB)
remote: Collecting django==4.1.8
remote: Downloading Django-4.1.8-py3-none-any.whl (8.1 MB)
remote: Collecting django-ckeditor==6.5.1
remote: Downloading django_ckeditor-6.5.1-py3-none-any.whl (2.4 MB)
remote: Collecting django-heroku==0.3.1
remote: Downloading django_heroku-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.2 kB)
remote: Collecting django-jazzmin==2.6.0
remote: Downloading django_jazzmin-2.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (2.8 MB)
remote: Collecting django-js-asset==2.0.0
remote: Downloading django_js_asset-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.9 kB)
remote: Collecting gunicorn==20.1.0
remote: Downloading gunicorn-20.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (79 kB)
remote: Collecting heroku3==5.2.0
remote: Downloading heroku3-5.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (161 kB)
remote: Collecting idna==3.4
remote: Downloading idna-3.4-py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
remote: Collecting pillow==9.5.0
remote: Downloading Pillow-9.5.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (3.4 MB)
remote: Collecting psycopg2==2.9.6
remote: Downloading psycopg2-2.9.6.tar.gz (383 kB)
remote: Preparing metadata (setup.py): started
remote: Preparing metadata (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
remote: Collecting python-dateutil==2.8.2
remote: Downloading python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (247 kB)
remote: Collecting python-dotenv==1.0.0
remote: Downloading python_dotenv-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
remote: Collecting pytz==2023.3
remote: Downloading pytz-2023.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (502 kB)
remote: Collecting requests==2.28.2
remote: Downloading requests-2.28.2-py3-none-any.whl (62 kB)
remote: Collecting six==1.16.0
remote: Downloading six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
remote: Collecting sqlparse==0.4.3
remote: Downloading sqlparse-0.4.3-py3-none-any.whl (42 kB)
remote: Collecting typing-extensions==4.5.0
remote: Downloading typing_extensions-4.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (27 kB)
remote: Collecting urllib3==1.26.15
remote: Downloading urllib3-1.26.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl (140 kB)
remote: Collecting whitenoise==6.4.0
remote: Downloading whitenoise-6.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
remote: Building wheels for collected packages: psycopg2
remote: Building wheel for psycopg2 (setup.py): started
remote: Building wheel for psycopg2 (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
remote: Created wheel for psycopg2: filename=psycopg2-2.9.6-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl size=159971 sha256=633a65b5bc08894912275e69ae23e45eb18511e0fb0be56037f9da7f9d301ceb
remote: Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-pghrau7m/wheels/a2/65/83/78e6f42d3b8e22115e894576b71799d96ab5a790b8f7bcfa85
remote: Successfully built psycopg2
remote: Installing collected packages: pytz, whitenoise, urllib3, typing-extensions, sqlparse, six, python-dotenv, psycopg2, pillow, idna, gunicorn, charset-normalizer, certifi, asgiref, requests, python-dateutil, django, heroku3, django-js-asset, django-jazzmin, dj-database-url, django-heroku, django-ckeditor
remote: Successfully installed asgiref-3.6.0 certifi-2022.12.7 charset-normalizer-3.1.0 dj-database-url-1.3.0 django-4.1.8 django-ckeditor-6.5.1 django-heroku-0.3.1 django-jazzmin-2.6.0 django-js-asset-2.0.0 gunicorn-20.1.0 heroku3-5.2.0 idna-3.4 pillow-9.5.0 psycopg2-2.9.6 python-dateutil-2.8.2 python-dotenv-1.0.0 pytz-2023.3 requests-2.28.2 six-1.16.0 sqlparse-0.4.3 typing-extensions-4.5.0 urllib3-1.26.15 whitenoise-6.4.0
remote: -----> $ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
remote: Found another file with the destination path 'admin/js/popup_response.js'. It will be ignored since only the first encountered file is collected. If this is not what you want, make sure every static file has a unique path.
remote: Found another file with the destination path 'admin/js/cancel.js'. It will be ignored since only the first encountered file is collected. If this is not what you want, make sure every static file has a unique path.
remote: Post-processing 'vendor/bootswatch/default/bootstrap.min.css' failed!
remote: Traceback (most recent call last):
remote: File "/tmp/build_6ab523f7/manage.py", line 22, in <module>
remote: main()
remote: File "/tmp/build_6ab523f7/manage.py", line 18, in main
remote: execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 446, in execute_from_command_line
remote: utility.execute()
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 440, in execute
remote: self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 402, in run_from_argv
remote: self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 448, in execute
remote: output = self.handle(*args, **options)
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", line 209, in handle
remote: collected = self.collect()
remote: File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", line 154, in collect
remote: raise processed
remote: whitenoise.storage.MissingFileError: The file 'vendor/bootswatch/default/bootstrap.min.css.map' could not be found with <whitenoise.storage.CompressedManifestStaticFilesStorage object at 0x7f0bf2f350c0>.
remote: The CSS file 'vendor/bootswatch/default/bootstrap.min.css' references a file which could not be found:
remote: vendor/bootswatch/default/bootstrap.min.css.map
remote: Please check the URL references in this CSS file, particularly any
remote: relative paths which might be pointing to the wrong location.
remote: ! Error while running '$ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput'.
remote: See traceback above for details.
remote: You may need to update application code to resolve this error.
remote: Or, you can disable collectstatic for this application:
remote: $ heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
remote: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django-assets
remote: ! Push rejected, failed to compile Python app.
remote: ! Push failed
remote: Verifying deploy...
remote: ! Push rejected to <project-name>
To https://git.heroku.com/<project-name>.git
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://git.heroku.com/<project-name>.git'
As you can see, it says: “Error while running ‘$ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput’.
remote: See traceback above for details.” So here is $ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput on my remote server which does provide further insight:
› heroku ps:exec -a <project-name>
› Warning: heroku update available from 7.67.2 to 7.68.2.
Establishing credentials... done
Connecting to web.1 on ⬢ <project-name>..
(failed reverse-i-search)`': ^C
~ $ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/manage.py", line 22, in <module>
File "/app/manage.py", line 18, in main
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 446, in execute_from_command_line
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 386, in execute
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 92, in __getattr__
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 79, in _setup
self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 190, in __init__
mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1206, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1178, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1149, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/app/<project-name>/settings.py", line 27, in <module>
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/decouple.py", line 248, in __call__
return self.config(*args, **kwargs)
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/decouple.py", line 107, in __call__
return self.get(*args, **kwargs)
File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/decouple.py", line 92, in get
raise UndefinedValueError('{} not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value.'.format(option))
decouple.UndefinedValueError: SECRET_KEY not found. Declare it as envvar or define a default value.
As you can see it is referring to line 27 with a SECRET_KEY using decouple’s config function but I have assuredly commented that out in my latest settings.py as described originally above. So I am not sure why Heroku is not looking at the most recent version in my latest commit.
Any idea what could be going on?