how can I access an external module in my project from an app

Hi everyone, so in my django project level, I have created a module called and now I want to access to it from the views of other apps, here is my django project structure:

project name
├─ admin_app/
|    └──
└─ project/
       ├── email_bot/
       |           ├──
       |           └──

to access from project views it was easy “from email_bot import emailbot”
but from other apps views I don’t know how to do it all I one is porbably it has something to do with BASE_DIR variable in the

Good hypothesis, but not the correct conclusion.

When you’re running your project, your current directory is the directory from which your project is being run. In the development environment, it’s the directory where you’re running runserver.
This means that all imports are going to be relative to that directory.

In this case then, assuming your “outer” “project” directory is named “project” along with your “inner” “project” directory sharing the same name, your import would be from project.email_bot import emailbot.

Regarding the BASE_DIR variable, that’s just a variable being set within your settings file to allow other settings to dynamically locate themselves within the file system.