How can I take the choice in drop-down list and redirect to another page?

I’m currently just learning Django and I’m doing electronic grade book. I have tried everything, have read all the documentation, but nothing helps. It seems I miss a simple logic somewhere. I need to make two pages:

The first one “teacher_interface” is a simple inteface for the teacher with just one drop-down list, teacher chooses the necessary class (i.e 1C, 2B, 4C) and the button “Students”, which should somehow take the chosen class from drop-down list input and redirect to the second page “class_students”.

The second “class_students” is alike the “teacher_interface”, but with the table of students of the chosen class.

I have the One-to-many relation between classes Student and Class:

Firstly, I tried redirecting from “teacher_interface” to “class_students”, using in template:

{% url "name" %}

Parts of code: 1) dpaste/eqxm (Python) 2) dpaste/eUEO (Python) 3) dpaste/ap8D (Python) 4) template teacher_interface.html dpaste/v4m9 (HTML + Django/Jinja) 5) template class_students.html dpaste/0gXK (HTML + Django/Jinja)

But it shows me: Reverse for ‘class_students’ with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: [‘school/teacher/(?P<class_id>[0-9]+)/class/$’]

I tried everything, but nothing helped, this and the similar: Django - getting Error “Reverse for ‘detail’ with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried:” when using {% url “music:fav” %} I understood maybe this two options of redirect will not work in my case:

{% url 'class_students' %}

{% url 'class_students' class_id %}

I also don’t know if it’s possible to do on the same page.

So I decided to redirect using redirect from django.shortcuts. I changed my teacher_interface view, so that it took the id of the chosen by the teacher class if request method is POST and redirected. I also made this change in my template “teacher_interface.html”:


action="{% url 'class_students' %}"



Changed view:

def teacher_interface(request):
class_queryset = Class.objects.order_by("class_number", "group")
class_id = None
if request.method == "POST":
    class_id = Class.objects.get("id")
    return redirect("class_students", class_id)
context = {
    "class_queryset": class_queryset,
    "class_id": class_id,
return render(request, "teacher_interface.html", context)

But when I choose the class and click the “Students” button, it shows me: Cannot resolve keyword ‘i’ into field. Choices are: class_number, curriculum, discipline, group, id, student, task, type_of_class, type_of_class_id. Id is certainly is a key, but it tries to resolve only “i”.

I tried/read everything here, but nothing works.

I even wrote the default like this:

class_id = Class.objects.get("id", "default")

I am sure I just don’t understand properly how to get teacher’s choice, pass it to another or the same function and redirect, saving this information. I will be really grateful for you help, even if you just advise what I can read to figure it out.

If you need further assistance, please post your relevant code here. The links you included in your post appear like they will expire in about a week, doing no good for those coming along later.

You probably want to do this using a Form. (See Working with Forms).
Yes, this form will have one field, the ChoiceField, and a Submit button with the label “Students”.
Your POST method will then validate the form, and allow you to redirect to the right page. (See The view.)

Thanks a lot, I think I managed finally to find the an answer even without using forms, but I will definitely try doing like on this link soon!