How does the django generic view works?

I have a bit of naive experience with flask and I have thought to learn django. So I started off with the first app tutorial from django documentation and everything was going fine until I hit the generic view, until Now everything was quite intuitive, i.e. the user sends the request, our app identifies the pattern, redirects it while collecting any important information from URL link, and the view function take request and other parameters do some operation with or on the model and then return or renders a response.

But Generic view seem quite abstract, and confusing on how the things work? I mean we have class instead of functions, there is no return response, everything is defined independently i.e. model, template and all but the code works fine, I mean how is this even possible.

I mean just look at this one this looks so easy to me

TL;DR-: Iam confused by the abstractness of django.

And could you possibly link me some good and practical resources to learn Django…

How familiar are you with Python classes, class inheritance, and the Python MRO?

Being very comfortable with those concepts is a prerequisite to understanding how the CBVs work. Beyond that, I recommend the Classy Class-Based Views page and the CBV diagrams as great visualization tools for seeing the flow of control through those CBVs.

(Side note: Django itself relies a lot on Python’s class, metaclass, and module facilities. If you’re going to understand Django’s internals, those concepts are a place to start.)

For a curated source of educational resources, check out the Educational section of the Awesome Django page.