I have 2 models:
class Foo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Bar(models.Model):
foo = models.ForeignKey(Foo, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
class Meta:
constraints = [
models.UniqueConstraint( # This doesn't work
fields=["foo", "date"],
I want Bar objects to be able to have a foreign key to the same Foo object, but if the date field is null, I only want a single of the Bar objects to be in the database to avoid having duplicate Bar objects. I don’t want it to be possible to create more than 1 Bar object related to the same Foo object if the date is null.
Here is a demonstration of what I want:
>>> foo_object = Foo.objects.create(name="foo")
>>> foo_object
<Foo: Foo object (1)>
>>> bar_object_with_not_null_date_1 = Bar.objects.create(foo=foo_object, date=datetime.datetime.now())
>>> bar_object_with_not_null_date_1
<Bar: Bar object (1)>
>>> bar_object_with_not_null_date_2 = Bar.objects.create(foo=foo_object, date=datetime.datetime.now())
>>> bar_object_with_not_null_date_2 # this is ok
<Bar: Bar object (2)>
>>> bar_object_with_null_date_1 = Bar.objects.create(foo=foo_object)
>>> bar_object_with_null_date_1
<Bar: Bar object (3)>
>>> bar_object_with_null_date_2 = Bar.objects.create(foo=foo_object) # this should throw an exception
>>> bar_object_with_null_date_2
<Bar: Bar object (4)>
>>> print(bar_object_with_null_date_1.date, bar_object_with_null_date_2.date) # I don't want this to be possible
None None