Hi, I’d appreciate some feedback on this issue. I am trying to set the forgot password appflow from django and to keep the look and feel of my webapp I customized the emails with HTML format.
I’ve already did this with user_creation confirmation email which worked just fine. THinking this would be the same kind of problem I followed the django docs but when the user fills the form with the email, and the email was found in the db, two emails are being sent automatically (the plain text one and the formatted one).
The code in the user_creation and the password retrieval process is almost identical, but still one works and the other one doesn’t.
Here’s the code that’s having troubles…
class CustomPasswordResetView(PasswordResetView):
template_name = 'usuarios/password/password_reset_form.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy('usuarios:password_reset_done')
subject_template_name = 'emails/password_reset_subject.txt'
email_template_name = 'emails/password_reset_email.html'
from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
def send_mail(self, *args, **kwargs):
def form_valid(self, form):
frint("Iniciando envío de correo de recuperación") #frint is a print flushed decorated fx
users = list(form.get_users(form.cleaned_data['email']))
if not users:
form.add_error(None, "No se encontró ningún usuario con ese correo electrónico.")
return super().form_invalid(form)
user = users[0]
uidb64 = urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk))
token = default_token_generator.make_token(user)
context = {
'protocol': 'https' if self.request.is_secure() else 'http',
'domain': self.request.get_host(),
'uid': uidb64,
'token': token,
email_subject = 'Recuperación de contraseña'
email_body = render_to_string('emails/password_reset_email.html', context)
plain_message = strip_tags(email_body) # Generar mensaje de texto sin formato
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(
email.attach_alternative(email_body, "text/html")
frint("Correo de recuperación enviado correctamente")
except Exception as e:
frint(f"Error al enviar el correo: {str(e)}")
return super().form_valid(form)
I tried passing the send email method but nothing happened… the only thing I did that made a difference was removing “email.attach_alternative(email_body, “text/html”)” which obviously broke the mail content, but! only one blank email was sent…
any clues? Thanks in advance!