I have a dropdown on a form I would like to give a queryset from from view.py If no queryset is passed I would like the list to be empty. I’ve tried numerous examples but I can’t seem to get it to work. When I pass my queryset, the form doesn’t show it (just shows the queryset that in the forms.Form.
class SubmitResultForm(forms.Form):
# the experiments listed need to be only those in the course the student is in
expName = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Experiment.objects.all(), label="Experiment: ", widget=forms.Select(), required=False)
expResult = forms.IntegerField(label="Experiment Result:", required=False)
context = {}
experimentList = Experiment.objects.filter(courseCode__pk=2).values('pk','name')
context['form']= SubmitResultForm(initial={'expName':experimentList})
thank you!