Hi , I am falling love with django last 1 month due to its simplicity and functionality. I found a lot of library about multi tenancy and I am confused about the how django works. What I leaned from tutorials when we create django`s user autharization model we will be able to accept users around the world for our apps (in my case a Saas app.) So is it giving to users a new instance of my app? I cannot realize the inbuilt way of django handles of this user accounts. Because this tenancy library guys speaks like we must integrate this complex multi user schemes to django. If I dont use this multitenant mixin libs , still am I going to be able accept users and will their data be safe?
I think there may be some confusion with terminology here.
Multi-tenancy is generally used to refer to the situation where different companies have different sites running in the same Django environment. (Or, running different Django environments for each company on the same server or in the same platform.)
Handling per-user restrictions is something completely different.
Yes, you can restrict access to data by user - this is where the user, group and permission model comes into play - along with creating queries that filter data for those users or groups or some other attribute you may wish to define to segregate those users into different categories.
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