Is there some restrictions on using request.user in django rest api?

I have the following code:

def jobs(request):
    if request.user == 'admin':
        job = Job.objects.all()
        jobserializer = JobViewSeralizers(job, many = True)
        return Response(
        job = Job.objects.filter(owner = request.user)
        jobserializer = JobViewSeralizers(job, many = True)
        return Response(

When I use postman and log in as a normal user, else condition runs. But if i log in as admin user, if condition does not run. It still run else condition. Is there something wrong with my code for if condition?

Request.user is a reference to a User object, not just the login name of the user. See Using the Django authentication system | Django documentation | Django

I understand that it is a reference to User object. In the case of my code, if i logged in using admin account, the else condition will run and it will filter owner == request.user. In this case, request.user will have admin stored as i logged in with admin account and the output will show those jobs that owner == admin . But why I cannot put this request.user=='admin' as a condition?

Because request.user is an object of type User, while 'admin' is a String. The two are never going to be equal. See the referenced docs.

This is not a correct statement. The variable, request.user will have a reference to the User object having a username of admin.

I think i kind of get it. Thank you very much! I dont know if this is the right way but it worked:

def jobs(request):
    user = str(currentuser)
    if user == 'admin':
        job = Job.objects.all()
        jobserializer = JobViewSeralizers(job, many = True)
        return Response(
        job = Job.objects.filter(owner = request.user)
        jobserializer = JobViewSeralizers(job, many = True)
        return Response(

Sorry, that’s dangerously wrong.

In addition to the above, see Using the Django authentication system | Django documentation | Django
and django.contrib.auth | Django documentation | Django

One attribute you could look for is the username attribute of the User object. In other words request.user.username == 'admin'. That’s still “wrong”, but less so than your approach.

A production-quality deployment will generally have more than one superuser account. What you probably want to check is is_superuser. e.g. if request.user.is_superuser:

May I ask how come is dangerously wrong? It is some security issue? But thanks for linking the fields for me. I forget about is_superuser field.

Because you’re tying an authorization function to an implementation of an api (the str method of the User object) that is not necessarily “stable”.

There is no documented requirement that print(user) always return only the username field. It’s possible that the next version of Django changes AbstractBaseUser from:

    def __str__(self):
        return self.get_username()


    def __str__(self):
        return "User: "+self.get_username()

and your system breaks.

When there are valid APIs for performing a given function, there’s no reason for using an invalid API just because it currently happens to work.

Oh okay. Thanks for the clear explanation !