In my project,there is a register.html file . the file is given below:
<!DOCTYPE html> {% load static %} <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> </head> <body> <p>This is only for test.</p> </body> <script> src= "{% static 'js/register.js' %}" </script> </html>
Here you can see the javascript part in the last section. This script should be load the register.js file which is exists in app_name/static/js/register.js . But the problem is that the register.js file is not loaded .
The register.js file is given below:
console.log(“this is working”);
when I run this , the console look as that picture which is given below:
Even If I give full path such as <script> src= "/home/name/python/django/python test/app_name/static/js/register.js" </script>
then also the error is still remain .
But if I give direct code like <script> console.log("this is test"); </script>
then it perfectly worked.
How can I solve this issue?